International Baccalaureate (IB) is an internationally recognized High School Degree that allows easier access to universities and colleges.
There are IB schools in most countries, and some of them are private, others public. StudyAbroad represents 2 IB schools in Norway.
IB schools in Norway

Skagerak International School
The school is located in Sandefjord city, 2,5 hrs from Gardermoen (Oslo) airport by car and about 2 hrs by car from Oslo city. The high school is not big, more like a family, where 22 devoted teachers make sure you would become one of the problem solvers of the future world.
Practical information about Skagerak:
- The school’s application deadline is the 1st of March.
- There is no boarding school, so 30% of the school’s students live in flats nearby. Prices start at about NOK 4.000/month for a room in a shared flat.
- The yearly tuition fee at Skagerak is NOK 25.000 (2022).
- SIS offers IB (the last 2 years of high school) and Pre-IB (a preparatory year for IB), but only students with a beginner knowledge of Norwegian can start at IB, so mostly Pre-IB is relevant for foreigners.
- EU citizens do not need a visa.
- Students will need a good working laptop and a good pocket calculator for studying.
- Students can borrow books from the school for free.

Senja Videregående Skole
Senja is the first IB school in the Arctic. The school is a state-funded boarding school situated close to the town of Finnsnes in Arctic Norway, six hours away from the Polar Circle. The school’s location in the Arctic means that the sun is below the horizon for two months in winter and shines 24-7 in the summer. Students of Senja enjoy the polar nights with snow and the Aurora Borealis, and, in the summer, they thrive under the midnight sun. The nature here is wild and vulnerable which means that Senja’s main focus is on sustainable development.
Practical information about Senja:
- The school’s application deadline is the 1st of March.
- Yearly costs: exam fee – NOK 4.500, costs for dormitory – 10 times 6.000 NOK = NOK 64.500. Additionally, money has to be allocated for food on the weekends.
- Students are allowed to stay in the dormitory during holidays if they cannot go home.
- School starts in the 3rd week of August.
- Senja only offers IB, so there is no possibility for preIB.
- The school is located in Finnfjordbotn, 5 km away from Finnsness.