I love to be here!

To be honest I don’t want to go home. Denmark, the school, the environment, the teachers and the people are just amazing. I love to be here! We have so many activities during the week and every Friday some kind of party. The school is not that hard yet, but we will see. One of the teachers and I will start an economics club. On the other hand I talked with Helene (head of school) and we are going to apply (the school) to become an EPAS school (European Parliament Ambassador School). I live in the boarding on the second floor in a single room. Next year I will probably apply with 2 friends for gray campus. Living in boarding is great, but the gray campus is much cooler. It’s like an apartment for 3 people, everybody has it’s own room, there is a big kitchen with an own fridge, freezer, oven, electrical cooker, kettle, a bathroom with shower, toilet, washing machine and dryer machine. We are going on a study trip to Amsterdam in March, I’m really looking forward to it. I am here for like more then a month now and I really enjoy it. I am so happy to be here in an international environment, meeting new people and cultures.
Thanks to the education here, I will be working at Microsoft from February …

I am very satisfied with Denmark, and I was also with the education, but I finished my master’s in the summer of 2019 and since then I have been working/going to school in Denmark/looking for a job. Thanks to (also) the education here, I will be working at Microsoft from February. It is very good to think back that roughly 8 years ago I “set off” from your office and now I am here. Thank you for the starting push 🙂
I really enjoy the study system

I would like to thank you again for the help you gave with applying because it is very nice out here.
I really enjoy the study system and the course is very interesting. I really like the atmosphere, minus the weather sometimes. It can be pretty unpredictable.
It was a little bit hard to find a job, because in Horsens for most of the part-time jobs you have to speak Danish. I ended up working for Rema1000, in a warehouse picking boxes, which is a pretty easy job and they pay very well. Also, very very many international people work there. Sometimes I feel like I see half of VIA there. 😀
I still have to apply for SU. I haven’t done it yet because I haven’t worked enough hours yet.
I haven’t started to learn Danish yet because for the Danish course I’d have to pay 2000kroner as a deposit, which I would get back at the end of the education, but for now, with everything going on and without SU, it was too much for the start. Thus I will probably start next semester.
The class is very nice, it is so much better than in Hungary that we have all our classes together and so it is easier to build friendships. We have lots of programs going on, both organized by class and (for example a trip to Aalborg) and organised by the school (for example partys, work lounges, etc).
By the way I absolutely love being here!

By the way I absolutely love being here, the only things I don’t like are the weather and that I can’t visit my family as often as I would like to, but other than that I really enjoy it, everything.
Your help (Study Abroad) was really useful when I was doing my research and preparing for life here, and it made things easier for me here that I already had a lot of information on what I should expect. Also, the application process would have been a lot more stressful without your help so thank you for that too! I’m here now which means I’ve done everything right but I’m not sure it would have been that way if I was alone in all of this.
My life is very good here

My life is very good here, I quickly found a job (I moved start August). I can live very well, while saving a decent amount of money without the need of my parents. (I work at an Indian restaurant, called Curry Leaves, the best Indian restaurant in Denmark.)
We don’t have to study a lot, the environment is very calm, unlike in Hungary, where everybody is nervous and you are required to devout the vast majority of your time to studying if you want to excel academically in a valuable program (like engineering). At the same time, everything is very practical (at least on my program – I know that non-engineering programs are not like that), our lecturers are very young and kind.
Highly extroverted people will not enjoy Sönderborg that much. It is not a very exciting city, the nightlife is subpar too. I personally don’t mind at all -I can focus more on actually productive things-, but it’s still worth mentioning.
I can only encourage everyone to study abroad.

In the winter of 2020, I was connected with Anita, who during the coronavirus helped me with her maximum expertise throughout the application process for the Branding and Marketing program at VIA University College.
After the AP, I also learned comprehensively about the fashion industry and sustainability in the top-up program. As a result, I had the opportunity to intern in Paris during fashion week. I can only encourage everyone to study abroad.