List of schools in the Netherlands represented by us

HZ University of Applied sciences
HZ has about 4.800 students and 9 in English-taught bachelor programs. It has buildings located in the cities of Vlissingen, Roosendaal, and Middelburg. The school is very modern, light and friendly in terms of architecture. Hz holds Open Days each year, normally in November, February, April, and June, where you can visit the school. Students who travel for these open days can get financial support from the school.

Avans University of Applied Sciences
Avans offers 4 full bachelor’s degrees, 1 short bachelor and 2 master’s degrees. The school is located in Breda. Nicknamed the Pearl of the South, Breda is home to a thriving student community, therefore no surprise that the city is full of great bars, restaurants, and sports clubs. Avans is regarded as the best major University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands.

Saxion University of Applied Sciences
Saxion has campus in 3 different east Dutch cities: Enschrede, Apeldoorn and Deventer. They have 42 different programs, mainly Bachelor’s and Master’s They have 3.500 international students from 89 countries. Amsterdam, Rotterdam, and Hague are about 1,5 hrs away.

Breda University of Applied Sciences
Breda University of Applied Sciences is a medium-sized, government-funded higher education institute. More than 7,000 Dutch and international students are studying at the institute. They offer bachelor’s and master’s programs in the domains of Games, Media, Hotel, Facility, Logistics, Built Environment, Tourism, and Leisure & Events.
List of schools that we can also help you to get admitted to
These are universities and colleges, with which we do not have contracts. However, we can still help you to apply.
We offer assistance with the application procedure, accommodation, and job search. This service costs Ft. 110.000 (approx € 275). 50% of this fee is to be paid at the beginning of the procedure (registration), and 50% if you are accepted.

Fontys University of Applied Sciences
Fontys is one of the largest universities in the Netherlands and offers a variety of bachelor’s and master’s programs in English. They have the largest number of international students than any other university in the Netherlands, with students of more than 80 nationalities from all over the world. Fontys teaches in English in the cities of Eindhoven, Venlo and Tilburg. They offer several Open Days each year with free accommodation.