University courses in Denmark – FREE WEBINAR

University courses in Denmark

STUDY ABROAD FREE WEBINAR – University courses in Denmark

January 17, 2023 (Wednesday) 18:00-19:30
Are you interested in how you too can study in Denmark for free?

Find out from our students living in Denmark!
Introducing VIA University College and Absalon University College.

In our webinar, you can find out:

  • What is it like to live in Denmark as a university student?
  • How much does it cost to live?
  • What subsidies does the Danish state provide to students?
  • What majors are available at the mentioned universities?
  • How can you enroll?

Participation is free, but registration is required:
Register by email at and we will send you the webinar link.
Write us in text: your place of residence and name.
Write in subject: Denmark Webinar January 17.

The webinar will be in Hungarian language.
Feel free to write to us!

Share the event with your friends, we look forward to seeing you all!

Best regards:
Vanessza Schmidt
Education consultant – Study Abroad Budapest

More information about the trainings:
University courses in the Netherlands
Danish courses (university)
IB (secondary school) courses

DENMARK Universities:

VIA University College
Absalon University College
University College of South Denmark
Business Academy Southwest

Why is it good to be a university student in Denmark?

Studying and living in Denmark has many advantages. The Danish education system is recognized worldwide for its high-quality, innovative teaching methods and student-centered approach. Universities place a strong emphasis on critical thinking and hands-on experiences that prepare students for the real world of work. Denmark’s social system is also outstanding; it offers high quality healthcare, supportive social benefits and an excellent transport network. In addition, one of Denmark’s biggest advantages is a relaxed lifestyle and a balanced work-life balance. The Danes place great emphasis on the ‘hygge’ philosophy, which is about comfort and satisfaction. Denmark boasts green parks, clean cities and an extremely low crime rate, creating a safe and livable environment. The open and welcoming culture also allows international students to easily fit in and feel at home in this blissful world-leading country. In addition, Denmark’s economy is stable and strong, so students have good job opportunities after completing their studies. Danish universities offer many international programs that allow students to gain a global perspective and build an international network.

One comment

  1. Lia

    This is a fantastic resource for anyone considering studying in Denmark! It’s so helpful to hear directly from students already living there. The webinar covers everything you’d want to know, from practicalities like living costs and student subsidies to the academic side of things with program options at VIA and Absalon Universities. The free registration process is clear and easy to follow. Thanks for sharing this valuable information!

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